Thursday, January 3, 2013

My Secrets

   Yesterday I was on my FB page and a friend of mine posted this video that he found on youtube.  It was about how this suicide teenage girl shared her story through a series of note cards that was displayed without speaking a word she broke my heart.  Then I noticed in the "Related video" option there were a bunch similar teenagers with similar stories and similar videos.  As i watched my heart broke more and more.  My thought was simple.  Where were the people that claim to be "Christians"?  I know that your thinking that well they didn't ask for help.  Here is the thing.  I'm not throwing the "Christians" under the bus however I am asking "Where are we"?  "Why don't we stand up"?

   I remember when I was in the 7th grade.  I was having a friend of mine stay the night at my place.  Some of the "cool kids" found out and confronted me with the news.  You see I also hung out with them so their reputation was at risk.  Just because my friend was a foster kid and had some mental disabilities.  So there I stood in the hall way in front of about 20 of my fellow students with a choice to make.  My response was simple "Yea he is crashing at my house"!  The crowd paused for s second there were a few laughs but the one that asked me smiled as to congratulate me on sticking to my guns.

   I wish I had one other good story but the rest are all about how I was ridiculed for the friendships I had with the "uncool kids".   That seems to be a epidemic.  We question about why school shootings happen and call the shooters EVIL, CRAZY, COWARDS.  Well their actions as horrible and seemingly unforgivable.  We hear reports about how they were bullied and picked on.  So maybe just maybe if we reach out those that may not be as "cool" as us then we might just have the answers they are looking for.