Friday, September 12, 2014

The "new" Asylum

So it's 2:06 am and I'm sitting here just listening.   The house is quiet and the silence is deafening.  But yet I'm sitting here.   So what your about to read is pure and unfiltered Chad.   Those that have read my stuff before won't be shocked but for the first time reader this might come across a little crazy .

So I've been rethinking the current path The Asylum is taking.  Out of past success I just picked it up where I dropped it.  However it doesn't feel the same.   The Asylum and myself for that matter have changed in the past three years.   Which is probably a good thing. 

So with that being said the format is gonna change.  Meeting at Starbucks on Saturday mornings isn't working so it's been time to go to back the blueprint and check things out.

Now remember how I sad that this might some a little crazy well here is that part.  

I have recently had a 13 day stay in the hospital due to a blood infection which caused things to come to a complete stop!  Now as I layed there in my hospital bed with what felt like every antibiotic known to man being dumping into my veins.  I had some time to just feel hopeless and very depressed.  Now most people that visited me endured my overwhelming sarcasm or watched me fall asleep due to the pain meds for both I apologize. 

Anyway during one of the darker hours I descided to check the world of Facebook.  Now normally I just kind of skim all the ranting and complaining of the catch all that Facebook has become.  However something caught my eye.  A friend of mine posted how she went to a concert and talked to one of the artist about how the music touched her.   She asked something about how did they do it.  Now with a "classic" Christian response he gave a scripture verse.  Here is where I would normally keep scrolling because depressed as I was I didn't want to hear crap about how:
- God has a plan.
- Everything works out.
- God won't give you more than you can handle.

All of the typical Christian responses we are programmed to give.  Instead he simply gave the reference and told her this became his saving grace.  So as I read the reference and noticed it wasn't one of the typical New Testament ones.  It was Exodus 14:14.

14 GOD will fight the battle for you. And you? You keep your mouths shut!” (Exodus 14:14 MSG)

So as I read the verse it took me a minute to process it.  Because The Holy Spirit has a way of kicking Chad in the balls!  Now the part that caught my attention was the "You keep your mouth shut" part.  I am king of pointing out everything that God isn't doing.  So to hear what sounded to me Him saying "SHUT UP and just watch".  I sat there in my hospital bed and began to cry.  Now I know everyone cries when they have an Holy Spirit experience.  However only one tear fell.  Because I was suddenly reminded of a prayer that a friend had recently prayed over me.  In it he called a "badass" and asked God t multiply it.  Granted at that time I didn't feel like a badass.  But now sitting in a hospital bed what better place is there to take a stand.  Now nothing instantly happened there wasn't a rushing mighty wind and he bed didn't shake.  The atmosphere inside of me changed.  

Ii spent another 5 days in the hospital.  Finely I was released and able to go home.  I was released on a Friday which was awesome.  Now I was home and the same demons of depression gripped me.  However this time I didn't say anything.  I jet kinda laughed thinking now you guys pissed the Holy Spirit off!  But nothing happened the thoughts stayed and were just as dominating as before.

A few day later I was invited to see a movie at church.  Now I am NOT  a big Christian movie fan.  However this one had the lead guitarist and bass player from Korn in it.  Now curiosity had me.  So I agreed to go.  Now that was a week after I got out of the hospital I wasn't 100% but I wanted to go.  So after I descided I went for a drive.   Then a question entered my head.  What if I woke up everyday and just ask the Holy Spirit without an agenda "what are we doing today?" Then listened and went.   Could I really live my life like that??

As I sat on that question I went to see the movie at church.  All I have to say is HOLY CRAP!!!  I sat in the back of the room by the door so I could mad a quick exit.  But as I witnessed this group of guys that were doing exactly thing that I had questioned earlier.  They got up everyday and jumped on planes and just followed the leading of the Holy Spirit.

So I was in tears and I just wepted and wepted.  Now before you think that I turned into some spiritual pussy and I'm living in a sudden mindset of " I'm blessed!"  I'm not!!   However instead of waiting for things to happen and reacting to it I have begun to take up the fight first.  I throw the first punch by simply saying "ok Holy Spirit what are we doing today?"  

Which is why I'm up at 2 in the morning and have spent the last hour writing this.

Anyway I mentioned The Asylum about an hour ago.  So here is he new plan of attack.  Simply this....waking up everyday and going out to see what the Holy Spirit has for me to do.  There will be Satrbuck meetings and Steak n Shake meetings.  So just watch for those.  I'm just gonna go out and look for people to pray for and watch what the God does.

So with that I want to pray for you....

Holy Spirit come and reveal Yourself.  Show them that You love them and You are crazy for them.  Reveal yourself today!  Thanks

Alright I'm done talk t you guys later!

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